Sunday 8 March 2015

Orford and a Great week with the Short-eared Owls

It has been a great week for the Short-eared Owl's at Orford, now I am fully retired I have been free to visit Orford more often last week, although the wind has been very strong, it never put off the SEO's from hunting, this is unusual as they normally do not fly in strong winds, they are obviously feeding up ready for the imminent flight North to the breeding sites.
This next series of photo's are of a Short-eared Owl devouring a vole.


Gruesome but that's nature !!
Later on that morning he went on to catch more voles including this time when I managed to get him making a successful dive for a vole.
Flying off with it
He later sat on the Saltings and the river bank preening and keeping out of the wind.

River Bank

More to come later !!!







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